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"He was able to articulate clearly the importance of empowering key staff"

David joined the Majors Group board when the business was going through a difficult growth and transformation stage. He was able to articulate clearly the importance of empowering key staff which was a cultural shift in the maturity of the business. David mentored the MD and key staff through this process. He was able to provide valuable insight to the MD when developing a strategic plan for the future.


David’s no nonsense approach is a hallmark of his success. He challenged the leadership team to govern, plan and communicate better. This elevated level of empowerment and responsibility drew almost instant success. 


David has been on the board for nearly 12 months and his contribution can be measured not only by the bottom line results but also at all levels of the Majors Group businesses.  

Tony Venama | Majors Group

"Experience across many industry types"

For the past 12 months I have worked closely with, and been advised by David (Wheeler) on a very difficult company restructuring matter. His vast experience across many industry types and sizes of business in similarly distressed situations has been invaluable in seeing ‘the opportunities’ of our situation, providing alternative ways forward, and ultimately getting a new deal done.


He drew on his extensive professional network and helped build a strong team around our deal, people I would use again without hesitation. Most importantly, I knew he had my back and always made himself available when I needed him. I look forward to continuing working with David for a long time to come. 

"Professional, hard-working and doggedly dedicated"

I have dealt with David and Joe for many years, working for the same clients and occasionally working on opposite sides of transactions. I have always found them professional, hard-working and doggedly dedicated to their client’s cause.  Since our establishment in 2015, the team at Blackwall Legal have developed a close relationship with Pathways Corporate and we know we can always rely on them.

Chris Pearce | Blackwall Legal

"Calculated, considered and insightful advice"

David became involved with NMR Services Australia Pty Ltd after our first year. His role in the company was to provide advice on equity raising in order to enable us to grow, whilst ensuring that as co-founders of the company our stake in the company wasn’t diluted. This was incredibly important as the founders of the company hadn’t appreciated the value of their business and the importance of the correct pitch to investors.

David has been able to provide calculated, considered and insightful advice to the board of directors. He has always been available for quick discussions with myself on a range of topics. His view of the corporate world was a perfect counter to our technical background. 


David has been advising the company for three years and on the board of directors for one year. His joining of the board was a natural progression from his involvement as an advisor. He will continue to be involved in the company for many years to come, which is a testament to his value to our business.

Tim Hopper | NMR Services Australia

Daniel Colgan | Colgan Industries

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